Mucosa is the soft tissue that lines the body's canals and organs in the digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems. It's also called the mucous membrane.
The gastric mucosa is vital to the function of the stomach as a digestive organ. The epithelium is responsible for the secretion of substances important for ...
A condition marked by inflammation and ulcers (breaks on the skin or on the surface of an organ) of the mucosa (inner lining) of the stomach and by ...
The gastric mucosa is a layer of mucous membrane found in the stomach. This lining is found on the inner surface of the stomach, along with the glands and ...
The surface cells produce MUCUS that protects the stomach from attack by digestive acid and enzymes. When the epithelium invaginates into the LAMINA PROPRIA at ...
Gastric mucosa consists of a superficial epithelium forming foveolae and a deeper layer of glands that empty into the base of the foveolae. The superficial ...
The gastric mucosa is the mucous membrane layer of the stomach, which contains the gastric pits, to which the gastric glands empty. In humans, it is about ...